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DesertMud - Hiking, Mountain Biking, Pine Trees, Southern California
Hiking Mountain Biking Pine Trees Feb 7, 2025

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DesertMud: Terms & Conditions
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The DesertMud website is provided on an "AS IS," "as available" basis. The accuracy, timeliness of this web site is not warranted or guaranteed because of the security limitations on the Internet. By sending an update, product review, testimonial, or any other information to DesertMud, you agree that DesertMud may publically display the update, product review, testimonial, or other information on the DesertMud website. By sending email to DesertMud, you agree that DesertMud may publically display the email on the DesertMud website. DesertMud and all persons affiliated with the DesertMud website shall not be liable, regardless of the cause or duration, for any errors, inaccuracies, omissions or other defects, or timeliness, of information contained within this site or for any delay of interruption in the transmission thereof to the site visitor or for any claim or loss arising from or occasioned thereby. DesertMud and all persons affiliated with the DesertMud website shall not be liable for any damages, of any type or nature whatsoever, occasioned by the actions or omission of actions, if any, taken in reliance upon any information contained within this site. We reserve the right to change information contained on this website without notice. Specifications, features and promotions about products found on this web site are obtained from third party distributors and may be changed by the distributor without our knowledge at any time.
Tampering with the website, misrepresenting the identity of a member, using buying agents or conducting fraudulent activities on the website are prohibited.

Dangers, Precautions, and Warnings:
The DesertMud website provides information about outdoor activities such as hiking, mountain biking, pine tree growning, geological studies and collection, and other activities which are inherently dangerous. DesertMud assumes no responsibility for your actions taken in reliance upon any information contained in this website or losses occasioned thereby. You are fully responsible for your own actions. THE INFORMATION PROVIDED AT THE desertmud.com WEBSITE IS WRITTEN BY OUTDOOR ENTHUSIASTS WITH POTENTIALLY NO BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE, MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE, LEGAL KNOWLEDGE, PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE OF YOUR ABLITIES, AND/OR COMMON SENSE. THIS INFORMATION MAY BE HIGHLY INACCURATE OR EVEN COMPLETELY INCORRECT OR ILLEGAL AND IS INTENDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. IF YOU ACT UPON THIS INFORMATION OR MAKE ANY JUDGEMENTS BASED UPON THIS INFORMATION, YOU ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ALL OUTCOMES, COMPLICATIONS, CLAIMS, LOSSES OR ANY OTHER RESULT OF YOUR ACTIONS.

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Prices and availability are subject to change without notice. Errors will be corrected where discovered, and DesertMud reserves the right to revoke any stated offer and to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions. While DesertMud takes steps to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information provided, this information is not guaranteed to be accurate in any way or to any extent. Please use your own judgement and common sense when relying upon any information contained in the DesertMud website.
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