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DesertMud - Hiking, Mountain Biking, Pine Trees, Southern California
Hiking Mountain Biking Pine Trees Feb 7, 2025
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You are here: Home : Mountain Biking Last Updated on 02/04/2006    
Diff: Rating 8/10
Scenic: Rating 8/10
Tech: Rating 4/10
North Lake Arrowhead Loops
         3N34, 2N11, 3W12, 3W11, 3W06
Location: San Bernardino Mountains, San Bernardino National Forest, Southern California
Region: Lake Arrowhead Region
Total Distance: 49 Mi
Elevation Gain: 5,500 Ft
Season: Sept-April
Type: Loop
Start Elev: 2,950 Ft
Peak Elev: 5,500 Ft
Total Time: 5 hr

Ride added by
on 02/04/2006
Driving Directions
Drive to Hesperia Lakes in the southeast section of Hesperia on Lake Arrowhead Rd. Park here.
Ride south on Lake Arrowhead Road to its end at hwy 173, make a left. Ride 1 mile to dirt and begin climbing. At about 6 miles into the climb, make a left onto a jeep trail 3N34, Willow Creek Jeep Trail. Ride up to the Pinnacles staging area. At the entrance to the parking area, you can stay right on 3N34 or go left on 3N34X. The left way is the fun way to go with some steeper descents and hillier terrain. Stay right if you want a smooth ride, both roads meet up after a short distance. Continue on 3N34. In a little while 3N34 makes a sharp left bend (signed) and another road continues straight. Make the hairpin left and continue on 3N34. Keep going on 3N34 which becomes a little rougher in places. You will pass some trails going off to the right, most of them get miserably steep climbing. Eventually you'll pass a sign for hiker parking on a dirt road to the left, just past this, still on 3N34 be looking to the right for a trail, I think it was 2W11 but I'm not sure. Start the miserable climb up this and continue on it. It will eventually dump out onto 2N25, get to the trail on the right I think 2N28Y and take that. We stayed on 2N25 to a trail to the right just before we got to the Hospital. We took the trail to the right and it dumped out on a campgroun/fire station. We took a right to the back of the campground, climbing, and found a dirt road. We took the dirt road and met back up with our trail, now 3W12 and the good part of the ride begins. 3W12 cruises on for a few miles of nice wide singletrack, mostly descending. Eventually it passes 3W11 to the left. Stay to the right and in a short while it dumps onto 3N34, take a left here back to the Pinnacles staging area. Ride to the back of the parking lot to a trail 3W06 on the right. Take a right here and follow this to 3W11. Now 3W11 has got to be one of the best trails out there, maybe only 2 miles long or less but it is a lot of fun. It dumps back onto 3W12 where you make a left retracing earlier steps back to 3N34. Make a left to Hwy 173, make a right down to Lake Arrowhead Rd, make a right back to Hesperia Lakes.
3W12 is a lot of fun, 3W11 is probably even more fun but shorter. 3W11 is definately a one way trail.... the one fun way downhill. There is a little climbing here and there but all mild. It has tight ramped switchbacks in a few places and is a fast fun trail. Perfect weather.
Trail Condition
A few stream crossings/puddles on 3N34, some mud on 3W12, some sand on 3W12, 3W11
Notes about this ride report
Computer Readings:
Start: 7:15 am
End: 12:45 pm
Distance: 49.56 miles
Ridetime: 4:57:07
Avg Speed: 10.28 mph
Max Speed: 43.0 mph
Total time: 5:42:49
Average HR: 147
Max HR: 185
Odometer: 10775 miles
Total time on new computer: 211:25 hours
Total distance on new computer: 1363.86

Rode with Rom

Time from home to base of Hwy 173: 23 minutes
Time from base of Hwy 173 to Grate: 46:30 minutes, 1 minute and 30 seconds faster than fastest time.
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