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DesertMud - Hiking, Mountain Biking, Pine Trees, Southern California
Hiking Mountain Biking Pine Trees Jan 18, 2025
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You are here: Home : Mountain Biking Last Updated on 08/20/2005    
Diff: Rating 6/10
Scenic: Rating 7/10
Tech: Rating 2/10
Hesperia to Lake Arrowhead
         looping around the lake
Location: San Bernardino Mountains, San Bernardino National Forest, Southern California
Region: Lake Arrowhead Region
Total Distance: 48.3 Mi
Elevation Gain: 5,500 Ft
Season: April-Nov
Type: Out & Back
Start Elev: 2,900 Ft
Peak Elev: 5,580 Ft
Total Time: 3.69 hr
Time In: 2.7 hr
Time Out: 1 hr

Ride added by
on 08/20/2005
Driving Directions
Start at Hesperia Lakes
Arrowhead Lake rd to Hwy 173, left to Lake Arrowhead village. Back on hwy 173 to Arbon Ln, left on Voltaire, right on North Bay, right on Matterhorn, left on Grass Valley Rd to North Bay Rd, turn around, Grass Valley Rd to Hwy 173 to Arrowhead Lake Rd and back.
Triathlon in Lake Arrowhead: http://www.mountainmultisport.com/lakearroheadtri.html. Caught the front end of the ride. Rodies all over, passed a few of them. Walked around village a little bit.
Trail Condition
Dirt part of Hwy 173 is in great shape for a quick ride up.
Notes about this ride report
Started with a leak in front tire but the slime fixed it.

Computer Readings
Distance: 48.29 mi
Ride/(walk around village) time: 3:41:20
Average Speed: 13.26 mph (ride and walk around village)
Max speed: 39.2 mph
Distance on new computer: 332.98 miles
Odometer: 8745 miles
Time on new computer: 31 hours 39 minutes
Max HR: 184
Average HR: 158 (includes a few minutes of standing around at the village before I remembered to stop it)
Kcal: 4665

Set some new personal records up 173:
House to bottom of dirt 173: 24 minutes
House to new pavement at tree disposal: 61 minutes
House to grate on 173 near shooting range: 72 minutes
173, bottom to grate time: 48 minutes (7 miles, 2200 feet gain). Didn't round on this time, it's a fair and square 48 minutes +/- a few seconds. Did not start off trying to set good time but felt good today. Old time was about 51 minutes, usually 53-60 minutes, but some of these times are with a pack weighing about 6-8 pounds more and 2 bottles on the bike. 53 minutes was before they paved upper section.

Didn't push it as hard from here on:
House to ranger station on 173: 77 minutes

Up to this point average HR was 168, max 182

House to Village: 115 minutes
Time down to house from Grass Valley x North Bay: about 1 hour

Felt strong today. Had two burgers and fries for dinner yesterday. Bowl of shredded wheat with honey and milk and orange juice this morning. Only a Powerbar and a gallon of gatorade on the ride. 1 bottle + camelbak. Small ring not used. Chain slip problems early on, fixed while riding. HR was about 180-184 when passing roadies, had room to spare, felt strong. Home before the ozone set in and I can still breathe.

Upgrading entire drivetrain in next few days and brake levers, rear wheel, saddle. Nothing works right anymore. Front brake rubbing for about the last half of the ride. Rear brake out of center, not at start of ride. Derailleurs, shifters, brake levers, bottom bracket are 7 years old with around 10000 miles or more. Rear shifter is half broken and looks like it shouldn't work. Rear derailleur is bent and broken near the mount, it's been like that for a while now, but still works, shimano xt. Was supposed to be on White Mountain ride again today, but cancelled due to bike problems... just can't trust her. right now.
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