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DesertMud - Hiking, Mountain Biking, Pine Trees, Southern California
Hiking Mountain Biking Pine Trees Feb 7, 2025
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You are here: Home : Mountain Biking Last Updated on 07/03/2005    
Diff: Rating 7/10
Scenic: Rating 7/10
Tech: Rating 2/10
Ride around Lake Arrowhead
         from Hesperia Lakes
Location: San Bernardino Mountains, San Bernardino National Forest, Southern California
Region: Lake Arrowhead Region
Total Distance: 43.17 Mi
Elevation Gain: 5,000 Ft
Season: Year-round
Type: Loop
Start Elev: 2,950 Ft
Peak Elev: 5,580 Ft
Total Time: 3.9 hr

Ride added by
on 07/03/2005
Driving Directions
Start at Hesperia Lakes in Hesperia.
Ride Arrowhead Lake Rd south to Hwy 173, make a left, ride a mile to dirt road and ride 5 miles up dirt road to pavement. Continue on 173 about 3.5 miles more to Grass Valley Rd. Make a right. Take Grass Valley to Peninsula Dr, make a left on block to Old Toll Rd, make a right. Take the first left, I think it's Birchwood, continue on the tree-named roads to North Bay Rd. and make a right a short distance to Hwy 189. Hwy 189 starts out with a shoulder but it soon disappears, traffic is not that fast, nonetheless, it's not the friendliest stretch to ride on unless you're pushing it to keep up with traffic. Make a left in a left turn lane into the hotel, take a quick right, then a quick left down a hill to the Village area. Exit at the Stater Bros area and you'll end up back on Hwy 189, go straight onto 173, there is a 7-Eleven with cold Gatorade just a block south on 173 from the intersection of 189 x 173 (a right turn from 189). Exit down from the lower area of the Village and you'll end up at the intersection of 173 x 189, make a left onto 173. Take Hwy 173 to John Muir Rd, make a left to Sunset Dr, make a left back to Hwy 173. Make a left on 173 and continue riding around the lake to the last road, Arbon Ln, just past North Bay Rd. Make a left and start about 700 feet of climbing to the highest point of the ride. Take Arbon to Voltaire Dr and make a left. Go 1 block to North Bay Rd and make a right one block to Matterhorn Dr. Take Matterhorn to its end at Grass Valley Rd. Make a quick descent down Grass Valley Rd to Hwy 173 and Make a left. Ride back down to Arrowhead Lake Rd, make a right an back to Hesperia lakes.
10 miles of dirt road on this ride, all on Highway 173. Nice ride, hot day on the climb up Hwy 173, started too late, much hotter than last weekend. Nice tailwind on Arrowhead Lake Rd coming back.

Computer Readings:
Distance: 43.17 miles
Odometer: 8005.3 miles!
Max Speed: 44.0 MPH, Arrowhead Lake Rd, near the dam
Ride time: 3:54.18 hours
Average Speed: 11.0 MPH
Distance 2: 484.24 Miles
Start time: 8:15 am
End time: 1:30 pm
Notes about this ride report
Posted at outdoorsclub.org

Rode with Dave.

Endurance Gatorade is good, the 7-eleven off Hwy 173 near Hwy 189 has it.

Saw a few roadies on Hwy 189, no other MTB.
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