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DesertMud - Hiking, Mountain Biking, Pine Trees, Southern California
Hiking Mountain Biking Pine Trees Dec 12, 2024
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You are here: Home : Mountain Biking Last Updated on 07/20/2004    
Diff: Rating 5/10
Scenic: Rating 4/10
Tech: Rating 2/10
Hesperia, CA to Milpas Drive
         Desert loop ride
Location: High Desert, Mojave Desert, Southern California
Region: Hesperia Region
Total Distance: 22.5 Mi
Elevation Gain: 1,655 Ft
Season: Sept-April
Type: Loop
Start Elev: 3,120 Ft
Peak Elev: 3,645 Ft

Ride added by
on 07/19/2004
Driving Directions
You can park at Hesperia Lakes and ride from there. Take I-15 to Main St., go east about 8 miles to Hesperia Lakes on your left.
Ride north from Hesperia Lakes on Calpella Ave, make a right, follow this road to it's dirt end and drop down to the mojave river bed. Walk across the river and you will meet up with Deep Creek road on the other side. Go east along the bent section of Deep creek road and continue straight up the steep dirt road at the other side. After the steep hill, make a left onto the gas line road and follow it to the powerline road. Take the powerline road to Sagebrush Ave (the third gravel road you will cross) and make a left to Roundup Way. Ride maybe 2 miles on the dirt shoulder of Roundup Way and be especially alert, people drive 70+ on this road. Ride 1 block past Mesa Vista and make a left. Gain some speed as you head down and then back up to Ocotillo Way and make a right at the dead end. Ride Ocotillo to the powerlines and make a slight left onto the powerline road. Continue on the powerline road to Desert View Rd and make a right. Shortly thereafter you will be at Milpas Drive and make a right. Just after you cross the railroad tracks take the steep smaller road on your right. The upper portion of this hill is hard to ride due to sand. Once at the top continue along this road along the hilly ridge back to Roundup Way. This stretch of road is kind of annoying due to sand, but it is all rideable. The last hill to get back to the main portion of Roundup Way is pretty steep and a good workout if you push it. Ride Roundup Way back to Sagebrush and go back the same way as you came.
It was hot at the start of this ride. Real hot. I'm not sure of times because after I got back I kept riding to 27 miles.
Trail Condition
I did not enjoy portion from top of hill off Milpas back to Roundup Way because hills are slow due to sand and valley is good place for dog attack with no where to bail.
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