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DesertMud - Hiking, Mountain Biking, Pine Trees, Southern California
Hiking Mountain Biking Pine Trees Feb 7, 2025
Special Instructions
NF Adventure Pass Req'd

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You are here: Home : Mountain Biking Last Updated on 05/27/1997    
Diff: Rating 8/10
Scenic: Rating 9/10
Tech: Rating 4/10
Sugarpine Mountain
         via 2N49, Cleghorn Road
Location: San Bernardino Mountains, San Bernardino National Forest, Southern California
Region: Silverwood Lake Region
Total Distance: 15 Mi
Elevation Gain: 1,800 Ft
Season: Sept-April
Type: Loop
Start Elev: 3,630 Ft
Peak Elev: 5,400 Ft

Ride added by
on 05/27/1997
Driving Directions
From I-15, exit at Highway 138 east and go until you reach the Cleghorn Road / Silverwood Lake exit. Exit here. Make a right onto Cleghorn Road and travel to the end of the paved road. Park somewhere near here with a National Forest Adventure Pass. Start of dirt Cleghorn Rd (2N49) near Silverwood Lake. Take a sharp left at a water tank to 2N45 to 2N59 (easy to miss) back to Cleghorn Rd, make a left back to dirt Cleghorn Rd.
Ride up Cleghorn Road (2N49). Take a sharp left at a water tank to 2N45. Take 2N45 to 2N59. 2N59 is easy to pass if you are not looking for it. Take 2N59 back down to Cleghorn Road, make a left onto paved Cleghorn Road and back to your vehicle on this same road.
Pretty hot. I did a lot of walking on this ride. After you make the sharp left and climb a little more there is this most beautiful section with a pine needle covered road, lots of sugar pine, incense cedar (this section makes the ride well worth it). It's a miserbly rocky descent, chews up tires, brakes. My rear reflector fell off. When I got back this dog someone had dumped made a home in the shade of my vehicle and wouldn't let me near it. Eventually I made friends with it, I couldn't get away from it. I ran it down to the nearby campground 'till it found a trash can and raced back. I felt bad but I already had too many dogs at home.
Trail Condition
Very rocky coming down. It really did chew up my tires a noticeable amount.
Forest Details
There are sugarpines out here and a very nice forest overall. Not as many sugarpines as one might expect to see on this sugarpine mountain ride. The first long section in is desert scrub plants such as manzanita. There are also some big cone douglass firs out here and incense cedars.
Additional Elevation & Distance Information
Sugarpine Mountain is at 5478 feet elevation. The forest road passes just north of the peak at about 5300 feet. The highest point along the ride is reached about 1/2 mile after the peak is passed. Without a map, it would be easy to never recognize the actual peak.
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